How Can We Help?
In England and Wales, those who need assistance with domestic abuse legal matters can qualify for legal aid funding by meeting specific financial and domestic abuse criteria. Financial eligibility is assessed based on income and capital assets, while evidence of domestic abuse within the past 24 months is required, including documents such as police reports, court orders, protective injunctions, or medical reports. Victims may also need to fill out a Victims of Domestic Abuse (VODA) Form. Legal tools are available, such as non-molestation orders, which restrict an abuser from approaching or interacting with the victim, and occupation orders, defining who can live in or enter the family home. Experienced family law practices can assist with these orders, including emergency ex parte injunctions for immediate protection without notifying the other side. Whether applying for an occupation order as a current or former partner or seeking a non-molestation order with professional legal assistance, understanding eligibility requirements and available options can enable victims to take legal action to ensure their safety.
What is a Non Molestation Order?
A non-molestation is a court order that’s prevents an abuser from doing certain things. This includes: approaching you or your home, as well as from interacting with you, communication with you, and using or threatening violence.
As a top family law practice, we have the experience and resources to handle difficult matters quickly, assisting you in obtaining a non-molestation order that might result in offenders being arrested and imprisoned for up to five years if the order is violated.
We're professionals at obtaining emergency ex parte injunctions, ensuring that you and your family can get the protection you need right away, without having to notify or await a response from the other side. Ex parte non-molestation orders provide complete protection until a hearing is scheduled.
What is an Occupation Order?
An occupation order is a court order that can be made to help victims of Domestic Abuse live in their family home without the abuser.
You are eligible to apply if:
You own or rent the home and it is, was, or was meant to be shared with a husband or wife, civil partner, cohabitant, family member, person you're engaged to, or parent of your child
The owner or tenant is your ex-husband, ex-wife, or civil partner, and the house is, was, or was meant to be your joint matrimonial home.
The owner or tenant is the person with whom you cohabit or cohabited, and the residence is, was, or was intended to be your joint home.
Berkson Family Law are the legal sponsors of domestic abuse advice